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Mediterranean Affairs covers a broad range of topics related to Mediterranean Countries and relations. It’s aim is to analyze and present clear thinking about Mediterranean political issues written in English by scholars and experts on several categories of material (analyses, dossiers, reports) that can be read with ease and pleasure by all kind of reader.

We welcome unsolicited collaborations and analysis for our website, considering them on a rolling basis rather than according to a fixed editorial calendar. The best guide to what we are looking for, in terms of both substance and style, is what we have already published, so prospective authors should start by browsing our archives. All submissions should be accompanied by full contact information and a brief note describing the author’s current and past positions, recent publications, and relevant experience. Although we try to avoid using footnotes, contributors should be able to provide appropriate citations for any facts or quotations their pieces contain. Unless otherwise informed, we assume any piece submitted to us is being offered exclusively and that no piece accepted for publication will be published elsewhere simultaneously in any form without our knowledge.

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